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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

Vortragsreihe des Monitoringzentrums - Making data work for Nature, the NBN Atlas UK

Themenfeld: Biodiversitätsportale
Datum, Uhrzeit
05.03.2025 (Mi.) 11:00 Uhr
05.03.2025 (Mi.) 12:00 Uhr
Nationales Monitoringzentrum zur Biodiversität
Interessierte, Forschende, Vertretende von Bundes- und Landeseinrichtungen, Fachverbänden, Freiwillige im Monitoring

Vortragende: Mel Hardie (National Biodiversity Network Trust)

The UK has lost more of its nature than almost any other country in the world. But at the same time there is a remarkable community of organisations and volunteers across the UK who collect the biodiversity data. At the NBN Trust, we maintain the NBN Atlas which holds 300 million wildlife records, representing more than 50,000 species. It’s the UK’s national biodiversity data repository, aggregating data from more than 175 data partners and making it accessible to all. A robust and accessible evidence base, essential to inform nature’s recovery. We continually face challenges in keeping pace with new technology, data collection types, engaging new groups of people to participate whilst balancing the needs to maintain the data quality needed for good decision making.

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