Vortragsreihe des Monitoringzentrums - A FAIR catalog for essential biodiversity variables: the EBV Data Portal
Vortragende: Dr. Néstor Fernández und Christian Langer (Deutsches Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv))
Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) are used to monitor the status and trends in biodiversity at multiple spatiotemporal scales. These provide an abstraction level between raw biodiversity observations and indicators, enabling better access to policy-relevant biodiversity information. Furthermore, the EBV vision aims to support detection of critical change with easy to use tools and dashboards accessible to a variety of users and stakeholders.
We present the (EBV Data Portal), a platform for sharing and visualizing EBV datasets. It contains a geographic cataloging system that supports a novel biodiversity-specific metadata standard called the “EBV Cube Standard”. This standard builds on metadata specifications of the Attribute Convention for Data Discovery (ACDD) and is interoperable with the Ecological Metadata Language (EML) vocabulary. The EBV Cube and Data Portal work together enabling discoverability and sharing of complex biodiversity data of different types, from remote-sensing derived ecosystems data to modelled spatiotemporal species distributions. Furthermore, the infrastructure offers a web-based interface and API resources to publish and explore data.