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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

Vortragsreihe des Monitoringzentrums - Facilitating a world where FAIR and open biodiversity data underpins research, policy, and decision-making

Themenfeld: Biodiversitätsportale
Datum, Uhrzeit
07.05.2025 (Mi.) 11:00 Uhr
07.05.2025 (Mi.) 12:00 Uhr
Nationales Monitoringzentrum zur Biodiversität
Interessierte, Forschende, Vertretende von Bundes- und Landeseinrichtungen, Fachverbänden, Freiwillige im Monitoring

Vortragende: Kate Ingenloff (Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF))

Access to FAIR and open primary biodiversity data is crucial for understanding and conserving the natural world. GBIF–the Global Biodiversity Information Facility–is an international network and data infrastructure facilitating discovery and reuse of open-access biodiversity data. GBIF-mediated data empowers efforts by researchers, conservationists, policymakers, and educators by providing access to >3 billion occurrence records from more than 2,000 data publishing institutions including natural history collections, citizen science, and biodiversity monitoring programmes across the globe. This webinar will provide an overview of the history and mission of GBIF, introduce the current data model, data availability, and data applications, and highlight upcoming data model improvements to accommodate richer and more complex biodiversity survey data of particular interest to researchers, conservationists, and policy-makers. Join us to learn more about how GBIF can support your work and how your efforts to share your own primary biodiversity data as FAIR and open through GBIF can contribute to safeguarding the planet's biodiversity.

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