Head office
Team and tasks
During a three-year establishment phase, a dedicated team with diverse backgrounds and experience built up the Monitoring Centre and its associated structures. Located as an independent unit within the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) in Leipzig, Germany, the Centre serves as a central hub for nationwide biodiversity monitoring. It oversees the activities of the committees and develops an information and networking portal. It also facilitates networking and exchange within the monitoring community through a range of events.

Our tasks
The head office of the Centre coordinates the activities of the Centre and pursues the following overriding tasks:
Coordination and networking hub:
- executive office of the Monitoring Centre
- central point of contact and communication of the Monitoring Centre
Shaping biodiversity monitoring:
- supporting the committee work
- developing a concept for a nationwide biodiversity monitoring in collaboration with the monitoring community
- supporting data management
Supporting the exchange within the monitoring community:
- maintenance and expansion of the current website
- conception and development of an online information and networking portal for biodiversity
- establishing and organising events such as the "Application and Research in Dialogue" forum series, the monitoring lecture series, and topic-specific conferences and workshops
Our Focus Areas
Our team members work across various focus areas to fulfil the mission and objectives of the Monitoring Centre.
Below, the teams present their work.
We are currently developing a comprehensive concept for nationwide biodiversity monitoring across all habitat types. Our approach is scientifically grounded, collaborative, and built on dialogue with the monitoring community. The fundamental objectives have already been established. This effort builds on an extensive baseline analysis of all nationwide representative monitoring programmes, providing a cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder overview that serves as a vital foundation for our work.
Our goal is to ensure transparency, evaluation, and improvement in the availability of data on drivers. To achieve this, we collaborate with a dedicated expert committee, which advises the Principal Expert Committee. Together, we are developing a framework for the thematic focus on influencing factors as part of the overall concept.
Further topics and tasks:
- Promotion of networking between data-holding and data-using entities
- Promotion of networking between the fields of biodiversity and drivers
- Identification of gaps and needs in the monitoring of drivers
- Support for the development and promotion of processes for making data on drivers available
- Creation of a database on nationwide monitoring programmes that collect data on drivers, including information such as: data availability, collected parameters, temporal and spatial resolution
- Integration of remote sensing methods into conceptual work to improve the understanding of drivers influencing biodiversity
- Tech Radar: Integration of new methods and technologies into concepts for nationwide biodiversity monitoring
In collaboration with the Soil Biodiversity Expert Committee, we are working on conceptual foundations for future nationwide soil biodiversity monitoring. As a first step, specific goals for monitoring soil biodiversity and functions have been formulated. We have also developed technical recommendations for a nationwide baseline survey of soil biodiversity (ANK Measure 6.4).
Our aim is to integrate and highlight aquatic topics, processes from marine monitoring, and monitoring of inland waters within the work of the Monitoring Centre. We seek to identify and address needs and gaps in aquatic biodiversity monitoring, with a particular focus on developing and implementing innovative new methods. Additionally, we aim to support efforts to improve data availability and streamline information flows, ensuring greater transparency.
We pursue the long-term goal of making data and information on biodiversity, as well as the environmental factors affecting it, effectively and sustainably (re)usable. A key focus is on developing a roadmap for integrating diverse data sources. Establishing standards and guidelines is crucial to ensure that monitoring programmes and the data derived from them are described in a harmonised and structured manner. Furthermore, the monitoring centre is dedicated to continuously increasing the proportion of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data available in the field of biodiversity.
Further Topics and Tasks:
- Networking with stakeholders and preparing an assessment of data management practices and data flows within the monitoring community.
- Identifying needs and requirements for data management in biodiversity monitoring and developing framework guidelines based on case studies.
- Designing workflows for mobilising biodiversity data in collaboration with data-holding institutions and infrastructure providers.
- Creating and maintaining a database with structured descriptions of nationwide monitoring programmes.
Our team coordinates the co-financing and implementation of the nationwide ecosystem monitoring as well as the insect monitoring conducted by the federal states. We also support and promote nationwide citizen science-based monitoring projects, known as “flagship projects.” This support contributes to the further development of nationwide biodiversity monitoring and strengthens public engagement with biodiversity. In addition, we design and coordinate the funding of projects in the areas of new technologies, citizen science, and the expansion of existing monitoring programmes.
The Monitoring Centre is currently developing an information and networking portal for nationwide biodiversity monitoring. The team is responsible for the conceptual content-related and strategical development and implementation. We consolidate relevant content and coordinate the necessary processes for realization. We also work closely with related portals and initiatives, such as umwelt.info and NFDI4Biodiversity, to ensure alignment and collaboration.
Our goal is to communicate and present the scientific content and activities of the Monitoring Centre in a clear and engaging manner, fostering dialogue even with target groups outside the scientific community. To achieve this, we continuously develop our website and keep the community informed through press releases, social media posts, newsletters, and video content. Currently, we are developing a publication and communication strategy.
In this team, we work on strengthening volunteer engagement and citizen science initiatives in the field of biodiversity monitoring and integrating them into the nationwide monitoring system. To achieve this, we engage with professional societies, associations, and research institutions. Our aim is to connect, support, and raise the visibility of participants in the monitoring community and other interested parties. Promoting species identification skills is also a key focus of our work.
Since 2021, we have been supporting the EU-funded Biodiversity Partnership Biodiversa+ on behalf of the BMUV. We are actively involved in the field of “harmonisation and cooperation of biodiversity monitoring programmes in Europe.” As part of this work, we are contributing to the design of a Europe-wide portal for biodiversity data. Additionally, we are involved in creating a European network of monitoring centers as part of a potential EU coordination centre for biodiversity monitoring (EBOCC).
In addition to numerous administrative tasks, the secretariat organises the Monitoring Centre's many events in collaboration with the event management team. These include the forum, the lecture series, as well as various workshops and expert conferences.