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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

Forum Application and Research in Dialogue

The forum Application and Research in Dialogue enables broad participation in the work of the Monitoring Centre and promotes regular exchange between those active in monitoring and science. It is thus a central component of the networking work of the Monitoring Centre.

The exchange between practitioners and researchers on an equal footing is the foundation for a stable and effective cooperation network.

Thus, we work closely with:

  • federal and state authorities
  • specialised societies
  • associations and voluntary nature conservation
  • research institutes and organisations
  • as well as stakeholders at European and international level

Each forum aims to focus on specific and current topics that that will help to advance the biodiversity monitoring in Germany.

The aims of the forum Application and Research in Dialogue are:

  • Promoting regular exchanges on an equal footing between practitioners and researchers
  • Establishment of a stable and effective cooperation network
  • Developing framework conditions to enable or facilitate provision and exchange of data
  • Strengthening of voluntary work, associations, and citizen science projects in order to integrate them into the nationally representative monitoring process
  • Discussing gaps in national biodiversity monitoring and the potential to close them
  • Keeping all stakeholders informed and briefed on the results of monitoring programmes
  • Further development of methods to advance the national monitoring of biodiversity

Do you have any questions?

Contact us if you have any questions about the forum Application and Research in Dialogue. Please send your enquiry to:

National Monitoring Centre on Biodiversity at the BfN site in Leipzig
+49 341 30977-229
Alte Messe 6
04103 Leipzig
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